A Face-Full of Jerry: Tips on how to make your pint of ice cream last more than a day.

I believe this is from Day 4.

So, recently I stopped at a supermarket to kill a craving I’ve carried around for what feels like forever. I had to have a pint of my absolute favorite ice cream; Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia… Problem is, I always down the whole damn thing in less than two days, and then I hate myself for the rest of the week. I’ll cry the next night when I open the freezer and realize how much I miss it.
But I think I’ve found the solution. How to stretch the lifespan of my one pint for (hopefully) a whole week. It just takes some willpower and a probable brain freeze.

First of all, don’t eat ice cream sitting down. It’s important. This isn’t a meal, it’s a snack. Probably of the midnight variety. So yeah, stand up you lazy bastard and eat your delicious, slightly pink cream upright.

But really. If you sit down you’ll probably down half the pint all at once. Trust me.

Secondly, eat your ice cream in the kitchen, preferably right next to the freezer. This is pivotal to the next step in our ice cream saving scheme. Also, try not to use the biggest spoon you own.

Now, here comes the important part. When eating, take a gigantic spoonful, make sure you get a nice chocolate chunk along with a cherry. One of everything in there. This will be your last one before you send Mr. Garcia back to the freezer for the night. Keep the lid handy, because as soon as that spoon goes in your mouth you are closing up.

Make sure you savor that mouth-full. Put the pint back in the freezer. Wash the spoon.

If done properly, you should be out of the kitchen before you’re done chewing that chocolate chunk. By the time you’re back in your room you’ll still feel like you’re eating ice cream. Your teeth should be getting back to regular temperature as you finish up that cherry.

I’ll report back later with how long the pint lasts, but I like my chances.

*Important Note*

This has absolutely nothing to do with being healthy. When my midnight snacks go from the glory of Ben & Jerry’s to frown inducing generic Costco yogurt I get very, very sad. It’s the type of deal that’ll totally put me in a shit mood the next day. Any health benefits gained from using this method are totally accidental and I want zero credit for it.

A Face-Full of Jerry: Tips on how to make your pint of ice cream last more than a day.